1. I am inspired by every word that you have written. Jehovah God is my comforter, my healer, my god and my friend. What I know about him? He’s faithful and he is true to his children. Read Psalm 27;10 which says that “In case my own father and my own mother did leave me, Even Jehovah himself would take me up.” Both of my parents are gone and Jehovah is watching of me until they return. The same with you! He is our only living parent right now! May peace be with you!

  2. You have been through so much your you’re incredibly optimistic! I love that. Walk by faith not by sight. 💕

  3. angela simms

    Your words are very inspiring to me. Thank you for sharing this. I hope you continue to find your faith and keep it.

  4. What an encouraging post for someone that could be struggling right now. I hope this post helps someone. Thanks for sharing a little about your life with us.

  5. Those are some well written, powerful words of encouragement and faith. I am fighting to get to this point in the road. Every time I get there, There’s a detour that leads me away. Thanks for using your voice.

  6. Sarah bush

    You ARE enough!! And you ARE greatly blessed and highly favored in your Father’s eyes.

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